This happened in the midst of Covid-19 and we didn't let that stop us from doing the things we wanted to. The boys had so much fun with their mama and aunty out in the muddy field and riding around on a tracker. Though in most of the pictures Jeremiah's face would have you thinking otherwise, I promise it's true. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and at the end of the trip the boys found two small pumpkins inside the shop to take home and paint.
I am blessed with this family and never want to take it for granted. My boys are beyond luck to have someone who loves them as much as their mama and aunties do. This is all I have ever wanted for them. Surrounded by family and endless amounts of love and kindness. My dream is for them to grow up and never feel alone. To lead, to stand up for others and show them the endless love and kindness. I want the world for them. To grow up with happy memories. To continue to smile and laugh so carefree, for their imaginations to run rampant.
And I know if this is what I want for them I myself have to learn to do so as well. So I will continue to write both about this beautiful life given to me along with my creative writing. I will show them if you want something bad enough you can make it happen. I don't know where along the way I boxed up my imagination and stuck myself inside four walls but I'm learning to crawl and break out of that. Because I do not want that for them. I do not want them to box themselves in and forget the fun.
So here I am learning, striving to do better for them, for my husband and for myself. I love this life and I want to make the most of it. Because their smiles are my everything, and I never want them to lose them.
So here I am learning, striving to do better for them, for my husband and for myself. I love this life and I want to make the most of it. Because their smiles are my everything, and I never want them to lose them.
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