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Finding Solace in the Pages

 "If you asked me why I read so much, I'd say it's because I simply enjoy it. But on a deeper level, I'd tell you that a book never takes from me; it only gives. As a full-time mom and wife, I'm always pouring into others, constantly giving more to everyone and everything around me. But when I read, I can simply be. It’s a rare and precious kind of peace, the kind I desperately need in my life right now." 

In the crazy of daily life, it can be easy to lose ourselves in the demands of being a full-time mom and wife. We give so much of ourselves to others that sometimes it feels like there's little left for us. But amidst the chaos, I've found a refuge—a place where I can simply be. That place is within the pages of a book.

On the surface, I read because I simply enjoy it. There’s something magical about getting lost in a story, exploring new worlds, and meeting characters who feel like old friends. But if I dig deeper, there’s more to it than just enjoyment. A book is unique because it doesn’t ask for anything in return. It doesn’t need me to give, to fix, or to do. Instead, it gives me something I rarely find in my day-to-day life: peace.

As a mom and wife, I’m always working towards giving more—to my family, to my home, and to the myriad responsibilities that fill my days. But when I open a book, all of that fades away. In those moments, I can just be. There’s no pressure, no expectations—just the comforting embrace of a story that allows me to escape and breathe.

Finding time to read isn’t just a luxury; it’s a necessity. In a world where we’re constantly giving, it’s vital to find something that gives back to us. This is often what I call filling my well. Reading offers that in a way that’s gentle yet profound. It’s a reminder that it’s okay to take time for ourselves, to find joy in something that nourishes our souls.

So, why do I read so much? Yes, it’s because I enjoy it. But more than that, it’s because reading allows me to reclaim a part of myself that often gets lost in the busyness of life. It’s my way of finding solace, of reminding myself that I, too, deserve to just be.


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