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Weeping Sunflowers

 Today was absolutely perfect and I couldn't ask for anything better

It was a blazing sun with scorching heat, but it was beautiful. Emotional, mentally and sorta physically! First thing this morning I woke up and got the boys and myself ready. I did my hair, I even put makeup on! That never happens any more. This momma doesn't have time for that. But I spent the most wonderful, quality time with my mom and sister. 

We were on the search for sunflowers over on the other side of Missouri, in what it felt like was 100 degrees out. The first patch we came across, there had to be at least 10 cars parked and you had to walk a good amount just to get to the flowers. At first that idea did not appeal to me, nor did it to my mom and sister, at least I don't imagine it did! We continued on to see if there were any more sunflower patches that were a closer walk. I'd gone last year with Lindsey and we had found one that was right on the side of the road, you didn't have to walk anywhere. It didn't seem like long before we saw a few more cars parked and we could soon see there was another patch of sunflowers! It was  a bit of a walk still but the ground looked much more dry to at least put the boys in the stroller and take them out there. 

That is exactly what we did, after a few minutes of getting them all set up and happy we headed towards the dirt road covered with straw. Jeremiah didn't want to be in the stroller which didn't surprise me at all, I thought he might want to walk after the hour long car ride. But nope, he wanted momma to carry him. That is when I realized just how hot it was. I wanna say it was almost noon? And the sun was coming down HOT. When we reached the sunflowers we realized that they had already begun to die, they were weeping. 

Yes we drove an hour to spend all of 15 minutes out in the sun which was miserable hot, we were covered in sweat and the sunflowers were weeping. But it was a beautiful day and I am so unbelievably happy. I don't care that the photos were a bust, that the boys were fussy from the heat, that the bees were everywhere and the sunflowers didn't want to smile for us. I got to spend the morning with my mom and sister, I got to have human contact and interaction with my family. It wasn't raining and it wasn't gloomy. It was sunny and bright, I saw a beautiful bird and a big beautiful Monarch butterfly. 

It was perfect.

Though I still won't give up on my search for sunflowers, I want those photos of Rachel's in the middle of the sunflower patch! Sunflowers have a special place in our hearts because of my mom, they're her favorite flowers and Rachel being momma's baby girl has a very special place in her heart from them. 

I am so thankful for today. 

We spent time talking about some issues we're both struggling with, we ate some delicious Freddy's burgers and drank some extra caffeinated coffee. The boys behaved after they both were fed and in the air conditioning. I miss days like today, where I know there's more to life than just sitting at home taking care of my boys. Which isn't a bad thing. I love being their mom! And I love doing the mom things but I also love having inspiration to do the other things that I love. Photographing and writing. Day's like today give me motivation to do just those things. 

But on top of my incredible morning, I am writing this! Which means my boys are sleeping! Well, Jeremiah is suppose to be sleeping but he is in his room not screaming at least. I'm so grateful I had today, getting the boys out and myself makes me know I can and should do it more often. It benefits us all.

Until next time. 


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